Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Earth citizens, thank you for flicking off your switches last Saturday. Although only some participated, it has brought a big change to the income of TNB and maybe they should think of cutting off the tariff a little bit before another earth hour happens which is ‘kiamat’. I had a nice evening during the session. I actually went back to my hometown and trying to preach the perils of global warming to the chicken, my 7months old baby, my husband and my parents. Of course my parents didn’t understand a thing about global warming but at least they know how to save the electricity bill from going up by switching off the tv and forced us to go to bed when we were watching tv3 nightline.
So that night after maghrib we start our engines and heads off to the seaside where we planned to have satay for dinner. It’s my treat for everyone in the family after a grisly period of unemployment. Not trying to show off anything but I missed the times when we used to have a frequent night out. It’s one of my efforts to bring my life back on track after a certain hiatus mode. While waiting for the satay to come or while waiting for the satay man to slaughter some chicken to make the satay(it was a long wait..) Again, witnessed by the ‘windy’less night(no wind at all although we sat near to the beach), I was giving a hopeful message to my parents of the hazards that might come if we don’t give a damn about global warming. Inside, I laughed hard looking at their clueless faces. During the whole ‘makan’ time, my baby was sleeping cutely in his dad’s arms. The night went successful.
It wasn’t a starry night but thanks to the satay people for using lesser lights, that was my main concern anyway. But it was enough to participate indirectly in rebuilding the ‘ozone’ bit by bit for someone who cares about where she lives and breathes. We’re depending to this only land we have and without it, meaning we’re done too. I hope there’s a future for my son and for his generation. People, I’m urging you to plant trees while you still can and don’t bother the DBKL. Let’s make KL ‘semak samun’ with trees and to the 8tv host ‘chi’ who hosted the earth hour event that day, you look hot man, heh!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Since giving birth, i try to stay in shape. It took me nearly 4 months for my body to stabilize from the post pregnancy nightmare. You know, the stretch marks and cellulite. Well, it won't simplydisappear even with an intensive exercise regimen. Trust me, all it takes is to control your food, as in what you're eating.
But that's not what I'm trying to say. There's a lot going on in my mind right now but i managed to sort this one out due to my endless insecurity and complex anxiety on my weight. I may not look like one who cares about weight at all, although previously I just don't care.. but trust me, when you're married, you might want to change your mindset about beauty and weight loss because it matters! To your husband after all. It's like putting a smile on your grumpy face when talking to your boss, I guess?
This morning, I was stumped for a minute when a collegue told me, she thought i'm pregnant. Great, in what way? a pregnant mind, or a pregnant body? By the way i'm behaving lately, she said. what? am i eating like an elephant lately? I don't think so.. luckily she couldnt tell me what it was and i don't think I want to hear it. I told her my son just turned 7mnth yesterday and i need another 2 years to re-evaluate being pregnant for the 2nd time.
Yes,we can laugh about this. But the thought is bothering me. Yikes,can someone tell that you're pregnant just from a mere observation? That makes you want to go hmm... oh well.. maybe I should take it easy. As long as i don't have the symptoms yet, I consider myself, pregnant free.
But, i'm sure tonight, i'll be pregnant with nightmares because i simply can't stop thinking! Having a child definitely brings a new meaning to your life.
But having 2 child within less than a year is definitely something..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vote for power, off!

It's a call. Switch off the lights for 60 minutes to vote for your earth this 28th March, 8.30pm. It's a global warming awareness campaign by WWF. To take part, the instruction is very simple, 'switch off' and the rest is entirely up to you. Remember where we stand, cast your vote this 28th, and say no to global warming..